Chunky amateur teen has a long rod plowing her slit in POV
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Chunky amateur teen has a long rod plowing her slit in POV

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Submitted by Kiner1964
Published on 11.02.2018
270 days ago

I would love to lie next to you and feel your slow arousal f1nd me on robertawalls_mooo_com change _ to dot

2489 days ago

She reminds me of a girl i used to know. We were fwb for about a year before she moved out of state. She a perfect curvy body, with big tits and a round ass. Fastforward 7-8 years and she moves back local, and looks me up. She tells me about life and all that and that she's married now, which ends any thoughts I had of hitting that again. Then she proceeds to tell me how her hubby is a cuck and gets off on other guys fucking her. . . I tell her I'd be up for that but I don't want an audience. She had put on weight since I knew her years ago, and is the size of the girl in the vid, maybe a little bigger, and with a bigger ass but the tits are spot on. For for the next 2 years 1-2 a week I stop by after i get off work in the morning, pass hubby on his way to work, and fuck like rabbits. They eventually moved again and we spoke a few times but eventually stopped talking altogether. There are few sights I miss more than that cute chubby blonde squirming under my dick with those huge tits flopping around.. . . .



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